Friday, April 19, 2013

Our Greatest Blessings

Recently my sweet (ok most of the time sweet) family had family photos taken! It was the first time since my 9 year old was born. Actually those photos were just of the girls so it was a much needed very necessary thing! We had a friend of ours meet us at our local park and we had a blast taking photos!!! I was beyond pleased at how they turned out! I am soooooo blessed with an amazing husband and beautiful girls. There is so much hate and negative in this world right now and at times like these you cant help but reflect on the wonderful things in front of you. I love my family and friends to the moon and back! I pray every night that I get another day with each and everyone of you! <3 You know who you are 
Here is a few of my beautiful photos I want to share with you! 
Ok this isn't one but it is so sweet! 

And there you have it! My blessings, my heart, my world, MY FAMILY! They are all mine! They drive me batty and over the deep end most days but they are all mine and I wouldn't change it for the world!!! 
~Until next time~ Jen 

Friday, September 14, 2012


Top 10 reasons why I dislike Walmart...........

1. The simple fact that you have to shop there. It is really the cheapest place to get everything you need. (I am in no way advertising for them right here!) And we all know that every penny counts these days. 

2. The employees are rude! They are not willing to help you when you need it. 

3. I hate their stupid smiley face guy. There is nothing happy going on at Wally World. 

4. There is 1,978 checkouts and only 2 open and those 2 are like 3 miles apart! 

5. The lines to checkout are a mile long but the manager person just stands there chatting with someone instead of calling more checkers. Like I have all day to stand around Walmart......

6. I hate it when you get ready to check out and realize you forgot milk but the milk cooler is like 4 miles away. =/ 

7. I hate that I have to run there like once a day sometimes because you forget something or because your kid comes home from school and needs something and of course Walmart is where you need to go.

8. I especially dislike how every single cart makes a damn thumping noise and drives crooked. I mean come on Wally World you are making billions of dollars can't you replace a few carts now and again. =] 

9. I hate they got rid of most of their crafty stuff. It blows!!!! 

10. And LAST but not least I hate Walmart because they ruined my pink ADIDAS sweatshirt! It was my most favorite sweatshirt in the whole world. And all because someone did not do their job and clean up a paint spill. Instead they hid the paint behind a box and when I grabbed the box paint went all over me. Thank goodness it did not get on my pants or shoes. =[ 
And those my friends are my top 10 reasons why I dislike Walmart........ 
Please note that this all in fun and I am not disrespecting anyone that works there! This is just me being me =)
~Until next time~ Momma Jen 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Oh I can see the light at the end of the tunnel

It has been a very exhausting, stressful, HOT, interesting, fun, lazy and BUSY summer.......
Between softball, swimming, family and friends this summer has been wonderful!! But I must confess I am sooooo over it! I need to get back to a routine. I am over the dirty dishes, the mountains of laundry, kids stuff all over the house, One Direction talk all day long and LUNCH! I hate preparing 2 meals a day! Ok even when school is in I pack there lunch but for some reason when it is summer sandwiches are not acceptable! It is bad enough I spend enough time in the dang kitchen as it is!

 My hubby recently switched shifts at work. He is now working second shift. Which totally bites by the way. He is having a hard time adjusting and so are the kids and I. The kids wanna stay up and see their dad when he gets home and then in return they wanna sleep in the next day. This would have been great the first half of the summer but not now when school starts in 9 days! YES we are counting down =) I am hoping that he gets his bid to 3rd sooner than a year! It wouldn't hurt if anyone else wants to keep their fingers crossed for us too! ;o)

My recent new hangout is the dentist office. We went so long without dental insurance I think we all neglected our teeth! Gabbers went Monday, Izzi and Claudia went today and I am going Friday! My chicken shit hubby is going in September. So far there are cavities to fill and Gabbi has teeth to be pulled. I felt like an idiot but Gabbi has 2 baby teeth still that should have fell out a long time ago! Who new I did not obviously! We have several appointments made and as it looks now I will be spending the next few months in and out of the office. So thankful they have an amazing staff! =]

Where did I go wrong? Am I alone here?? I can't take much more! My kids are constantly fighting and saying mean things to each other all the time. I mean all day long everyday! I take stuff away and all they do is yell at each other more because she got me grounded. Oh the never ending insanity of a stay at home mom! Well I hope that everyone else is ready for school start and they had a wonderful summer! I am ready for Fall!!!!
Until we meet again ~Momma Jen~
I have not blogged in sooooo long I feel like a virgin here!! LOL

Monday, June 18, 2012

10 Things

10 things I need to get off my lazt ass and do

1. Finish painting my the girls room
We started it like 4 months ago and never finished. Mostly because they messed it up and they were told no painting until it is clean. They might graduate before it is done!!

2.Clean my craft closet and organize it better
This will actually be fun if I can just convince myself to do it! And actually have a solid chunk of time that I can do it with out stopping! I am gonna fine a ton of stuff that I forgot I had I just know it!

3. Start getting up earlier in the morning! I have been sleeping way too late and then I feel guilty all day long because I slept until 8:30 or 9:00!

4. Stain the bathroom door. We got a new bathroom door like 2 years ago and it still not stained! I think we are so used to it that we don't see it any more!

5. Paint my picket fence and porch railings white. They look a little on the not so white side right now! And then while I am at it I need to paint the front door black.

6. Paint the front door black.....LOL

7. Get help for my chronic list making disorder!!

8. Remember to get Gabbi's uniform washed, pack the Softball bag with something good snacks and  sunscreen the shit out of all of us before Gabbers game tomorrow, Thursday and Saturday!

9. Actually geot all my garage sale stuff in one place and get it marked! I need to make some extra dough and get rid of some shit as well!! I am feeling a little border line hoarderish!

10. Enjoy my summer!!! The kids get on my nerves some days but before I know it they will be grown!   I absolutely love my  family and my fabulous friends! Here is to Summer and being lazy and making lists and procrastinating and FUN!!!!
~Until next time~ Momma Jen

Friday, June 8, 2012

Just because I am still 2 away from 1,000 and nobody loves me =(

I absolutely love commercials. Some are just too funny and others are so unrealistic! For instance there is this commercial for baked dog treats. THe "mom" is baking and has flour all over and looks over at her dog covered in flour. The dog starts shaking the flour off of him like crazy and the "mom" just shakes her head and laughs and then proceeds to chase the dog around the island in her perfect kitchen. The whole time she is laughing hysterically! OK first of all a "mom" would not have flour all over unless she was baking with the kids, second how did the dog become covered in flour???, and if the dog did become covered in flour or anything and started shaking it all over the kitchen a "mom" would not smile and play with the dumb dog. She would loudly remove the dog from the home and scream and holler profanity while cleaning up the mess the dog made!!! I mean come on really. I LOVE my four legged friends but if I ever bake dog treats for my dog please please smack me!!! (o;
  I mean not everyone can make commercials like Angela Bowers!!!

I am so glad that the kids wear mis-matched socks these days because I can never find socks that match EVER!!!!!!! I think that there is a little person or persons that live in the wall that steals socks while we are sleeping. They must use them for bedding or something?!

My kiddos are on a Full House and Fresh Prince kick! They DVR them and then watch them the next day over and over! It cracks me up because they tell me about the episodes and sometimes I just can't tell them that I have seen all the episodes because they are soooooo excited!!! (=

Today for lunch we had "white trash dip" and chips and for suppa' we had brats and "crack bread" ..........for the record I did not make up the names! bwahahahhahahaaaaaa Oh and it was deeeelish (0;

I just watched 50 First Dates. It is one of the most funny sweet feel good movies of all time! It is 2nd to Pretty Woman! Oh yes it is that good! If only I could hang out with Adam Sandler, Rob Schnieder, and Drew Barrymore for one hour!

I love shows like Ghost Hunters and A Haunting and I love scary paranormal movies (not freddy, jason, or saw stupid gory movies)!!! But I am the biggest chicken when it comes to haunted houses or the dark!!!!! (O: Don't let your feet dangle off the bed EVER! You just never

That is some funny stuff right there! I know that there are days that my kids must think this!!! (o;
On that note <3 Until Next Time <3 Momma Jen 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Holy 1,000 Batman

I am only 10 away from having 1,000 views!! That is sooooo overwhelming awesome!!! I started blogging because a good friend of mine blogged. She is an amazing blogger and person and I am so great full to her for helping me get started!!! Whooooooot wooooooo!!! (=
  As I sit here in my room I see 2 Christmas gifts that have never even been touched! What the _____!?!? I bet Miss Izzi does not even remember she got them! Hhmmm.....I wonder if I can wrap them and give them to her for her bday in September?! ;o) Just a thought
I am also wondering why they are in my room to begin with????

Once upon a time there was a lady named Jen. She lived in what appeared to be a pig pen.
She had three kids that drove her nuts. They made her want to whoop their butts!
Then one day Jen lost her mind. She thought that she could I was on a roll for a minute.....daduhdunt

I am at a loss for words or subject to write about so this is when I start to ramble on about pure nonsense and nothing that is worth a crap. I know I am going to charge my camera and take some pics of my new landscaping! I am so proud of our yard this year and I want to share it with everyone. I wish that I could invite everyone over and give tours but I vowed to not host anymore parties for awhile because frankly I get tired of yelling "SHUT THE BACK DOOR!" I just don't understand why nobody ever shuts my back door! EVER!

I still can't believe 1,000! That is amazing. Whether you read and like or read it and hate it you still viewed it and that makes me smile. I am who I am! Take it or leave it! BUT I really hope that you love me or like me because I really really love writing for me and you!!!!!
~Until next time ya'll~ Momma Jen =)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

I think I am funny today =)

I just made a menu and then my grocery list according to the menu and the funny thing is I totally will forget it at home when I go to the store....... (o;

Do you ever just think that everything you say is just so damn witty and amusing? Well I don't I was just wondering!

I am so damn witty and amusing! lol
You know that you have done this......

Have you ever searched everywhere for something and then realized you are holding it? True story I couldn't find my phone and I was looking all over and then realized I was talking on it! Oh yes one of my finer moments! Blond all the way.......{o;

I am a chronic list maker. Now if only I could find those lists and do something about it!

Oh this just pisses me off more than anything when people interrupt or you know that they are not listening to you! I feel like saying "Are you FUCKING listening to me?" I apologize for the nasty language but it was necessary at the moment!

I just a craving for some really cheesy pizza from Casey's!

I wish that I would win the damn lottery because I would hire someone to yell at my kids! I am tired of doing it!!!

Excuse the interruption I just had to yell at my rotten kids!

Today is kinda pissing me off. It is raining and we are stuck in the house and I am not prepared for that sort of day. Ya know all this family No I am just teasing! I am kinda digging the whole relaxing and watching tv type day!

You have to admit we have all done this a million times. Especially when you run to Walmart in your "Walmart's best"no make up wearing no shower having ass to grab just one thing and run into everyone and their brother! Well you think that you would learn after I don't know 10 times! Bwahahahhaaaahhahahahaaa

Well I must go fold some clothes now.......You guess which way I fold?!??!?! lol
Until we meet again ~Momma Jen~ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3